Carlo Antoni. Lo storicismo come problema

01/04/2006 Marcello Musté II (2006) Saggio Il dialogo tra lo storicismo tedesco -rappresentato dalla scuola storica di Ranke, Niebhur, Droysen e dalla filosofia di Dilthey, e dalle indagini di Weber, Troeltsch e Meinecke- e quello italiano di Croce, si complicò con le vicende politiche del tempo, e poi, con l’avvento del nazismo, si cominciò a […]

Filosofia e vita civile. Lo storicismo di Eugenio Garin

Francesca Izzo XVI (2021), 1 Saggio Many are the influences attributed to Garin’s historicism: Gramsci, Croce, Gentile, the religious existentialism.This unstable but not groundless historicism is based on a concept of man and humanity that Garin derives from his remarkable Renaissance historiography.The various portraits of men – such as Pico della Mirandola, Coluccio Salutati, Leonardo […]

Scienza della storia o scienza come storia? Note su Della Volpe, i dellavolpiani e lo ‘storicismo’

Giuliano Guzzone XVI (2021), 1 Saggio This article focuses its attention on Galvano Della Volpe’s and Dellavolpean school’s confrontation with the issue of the historicism. Particularly, the Author claims that Dellavolpean attempt in developing a ‘scientific’ historicism had brought to the construction of a ‘method of historiography’ lacking real connections to praxis. Scarica il pdf

Lo storicismo marxista nell’Italia degli anni Settanta

Giulio Azzolini XVI (2021), 1 Saggio The article focuses on Marxist historicism in Italy in the 1970s. In the first part, the attempts of communist intellectuals to historicize the decade of the 1960s are analysed. The second part examines the criticisms and historicizations of historicism itself. The last part deals with the PCI’s problem of […]

La crisi del marxismo come storicismo dopo «l’indimenticabile ’56»

Giulia Dettori XVI (2021), 1 Saggio Aim of this article is to analize the philosophical, economic and political themes of the debate on theoretical Marxism that began in Italy in 1956. The events of that year, in fact, lead various intellectuals to question historicist Marxism and the line of thought that it had identified as […]

Aspetti dello storicismo di Togliatti

Marcello Mustè XVI (2021), 1 Saggio Togliatti always offered of himself the image of a “pupil” of Antonio Gramsci. Indeed, he was the editor and continuer of his thought. Starting from Gramsci’s work, he built a cultural policy and, in general, the new policy of Italian Communists. But his writings also show the pro le […]

Tra storia e ragione: Giambattista Vico e la promessa di un mito classico

01/12/2016 Almut-Barbara Renger XI (2016), 2 Saggio Starting from Vico’s thought, my attempt in the present paper is to examine the primary tension between rational identity and historical difference within the European tradition. In this way, I want to establish Vico’s usefulness for a reconsideration of mythic, religious and even national pluralism. Upon adumbrating my […]

Benedetto Croce e la fondazione dell’Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici

01/12/2016 Marco Diamanti XI (2016), 2 Saggio This text aims to combine interests and inputs deriving from my experience at the Istituto italianoper gli studi storici in Naples. The paper is designed not so much to increase the reader’s knowledge of the “objective” history of the Institute, as to define – from specific perspectives – […]