Filosofia e tecnica, tra passato e futuro. Intervista a Luciano Floridi

Alessandro De Cesaris XVI (2021), 2 Intervista The following text is a transcription of an interview to Luciano Floridi, one of the prominent figures in the current debate on philosophy and technology. In this exchange, Floridi answers some questions concerning his academic and philosophical formation, his idea of philosophy of technology and his recently started […]

Pluralismo, policentrismo, usi del passato. Filosofia/e italiana/e in questione

Massimiliano Biscuso XVI (2021), 2 Discussione In this review I examine some recent publications on Italian philosophy and their main problems: whether it is possible to identify the essential characteristics of Italian philosophy, its relationship with tradition, the different meanings of tradition, the current condition of philosophical thought in Italy. Scarica il pdf

Il pensiero italiano tra le discipline

Alessandra Aloisi XIV (2019), 1 Saggio Starting from general considerations regarding the different position of philosophy in the English- speaking countries, and by paying special attention to the UK, this article offers a contribution which describes the reception and presence of Italian philosophy outside Italy. In particular, it shows how, untied from traditional disciplinary perspectives […]