Tra teoria politica e antropologia materialistica. Intervista a Paolo Virno

01/06/2016 Tania Rispoli XI (2016), 1 Intervista The connection between political activism and political theory characterises Virno’s intellectualendeavour and it culminates in a materialistic anthropology, assessing the constitutive ambivalence of the human faculties and of the logical figures of the possibility embodied in our behaviour. The human animal, thanks to its capability to deny, shakes […]

La lunga storia di Marx e del marxismo in Italia

Guido Liguori XVI (2021), 2 Discussione Two books, published in recent months, offer a broad overview of the studies on Marx and Marxism in Italy, from Labriola and Gentile to the present day. It demonstrates the vitality and diversity of the Italian interpretations of the philosopher of Trier, which have often had an international echo. […]

Croce, Gramsci e il concetto di previsione

Camilla Sclocco XVI (2021), 2 Saggio The essay proposes a philological reconstruction of the conception of the prediction of Benedetto Croce and Antonio Gramsci.The first part diachronically reconstructs the Crocean reflection on the problem of prediction from the first essays of the end of the Nineteenth century to the reflections on the predictive act of […]

Il «galileismo morale» di Galvano Della Volpe

Giuliano Guzzone XIV (2019), 2 Saggio This essay deals with Galvano Della Volpe’s interpretation of Galileo Galilei between 1947 and 1957, focusing on the experimental theory of knowledge. First of all, the author shows that this interpretation arises in the period 1947-1948, when Della Volpe had already outlined his understanding of the Marxian anthropology as […]