Emanuele Severino e la destinazione del finito all’infinito

Cristina Pagnin XIII (2018), 1 Saggio This paper is aimed at taking into consideration the reason why, in our experience, we have to deal with nite things (and, secondly, multiple things and becoming). In our view, the reason for this is to be found in the in nite nature of Totality, which, in order to […]

Gennaro Sasso e l’aporia del nulla

Niccolò Parise XIII (2018), 1 Saggio This article concerns the method that Gennaro Sasso adopts in his theoretical works to investigate the ancient ‘aporia of Nothing’, and the solution he provides. The first paragraph shows the consequences of the ‘ontologization’ of Nothing, whereas the second paragraph presents the structure of the ‘logic-ontological sentence’ and its […]

Critiche al divenire. Tra Sasso e Severino

Matteo Zanetti XIII (2018), 1 Saggio Nothing is more evident than becoming. It is impossible to contest the fact that things, with the passage of time, become something other than what they were at the beginning. Nevertheless, Gennaro Sasso and Emanuele Severino, in two different ways and starting from two different points of view, say […]

Neoparmenidismo e teoria della verità

Jonathan Salina XIII (2018), 1 Saggio This article offers a critical examination of the Italian philosophical movement known as “Neoparmenidismo”, with special regard to the works of Emanuele Severino and Genna- roSasso. In particular, Sasso’s philosophy will receive detailed consideration. A second focus of our work concerns the possible conceptual structure of a coherent and […]

Aporie, opportunità e periglio del neoparmenidismo nel confronto tra Emanuele Severino e Mauro Visentin

Riccardo Berutti XIII (2018), 1 Saggio This article offers an enquiry into the implications involved in the relationship between ‘being’ and ‘ontic determinations’.We will try to illustrate some aporias that affect this relationship by distinguishing two different kinds of denial (absolute and relative). Furthermore, following a critical comparison between Emanuele Severino’s and Mauro Visentin’s ‘Neoparmenidism’, […]