La semiotica del linguaggio di Ferruccio Rossi-Landi

Cosimo Caputo XVIII (2023), 1 Saggio In Rossi-Landi, general semiotics is sociosemiotics in a profound and original sense. The (socio-)semiotic interpretation of the notions of ‘mind’, ‘commodity’, ‘ruling class’, ‘ideology’ such as to find a semioeconomy renders Rossi-Landi’s research innovative and pioneering. Nonetheless, his work remained in the minor tradition, especially with respect to Italian […]

L’idea di linguaggio di Giovanni Vailati

Augusto Ponzio XVIII (2023), 1 Saggio Among the aims of Vailati’s philosophy of language, the main one is to emphasize expressive ambiguity and verbal misunderstandings, as from interpretation of the term ‘pragmatism’ and prejudice of empirical evidence with respect to hypotheses and reasoning. He exemplifies with infinitesimal calculus. Verbal language is considered in semiotic, thus […]

Storicismo e ricerca linguistica. La riflessione di Benvenuto Terracini

Ilaria Tani XVIII (2023), 1 Saggio Benvenuto Terracini was not strictly speaking a philosopher of language, but he was among the very few linguists of the early 20th century to tackle the methodological problems of his discipline. His linguistic thought therefore represents a significant step in the theoretical debate on language in Italy in the […]

Aspetti della filosofia del linguaggio in Antonino Pagliaro

Stefano Gensini XVIII (2023), 1 Saggio This paper illustrates the contribution made by the Sicilian glottologist Antonino Pagliaro to the philosophy of language. From the youthful Summary of Ario-European Linguistics (1930) to the works of the 1960s, the scholar developed an original idealistic doctrine of language. Accepting Benedetto Croce’s teaching, but also grasping its theoretical […]

Ancora su Gramsci e il Cours de linguistique générale

Alessandro Carlucci XVIII (2023), 1 Saggio The first part of this article highlights the similarities between Antonio Gramsci’s ideas on language and Ferdinand de Saussure’s Course in General Linguistics, with reference to the distinction between the synchronic and diachronic study of language and to a number of related topics concerning the relationship between linguistic and […]

Croce filosofo del linguaggio. Dialogo tra Fabrizia Giuliani e Marcello Mustè

Fabrizia Giuliani XVIII (2023), 1 Intervista In this dialogue, the authors discuss the role of Croce’s thought in Croce’s philosophy of language. As is well known, since the second half of the 20th century the dialogue between the philosophical-linguistic tradition and Croce’s thought has been particularly problematic. In recent years, however, there has been a […]

Introduzione 1/2023

Stefano Gensini, Ilaria Tani XVIII (2023), 1 Saggio È esistita, esiste ancora una filosofia del linguaggio italiana? Posta così, la domanda susciterebbe probabilmente risposte negative. Scarica il PDF

Die Philosophie der italienischen Aufklärung. Interview mit Wolfgang Rother

2010 Federica Buongiorno, Emanuela Giacca VI (2010) Intervista Es geht in diesem Interview um das Thema “Die Philosophie der italienischen Aufklärung”, dasanlässlich des Erscheinens des Bandes Italien im Rahmen des Grundrisses der Geschichte der Philosophie bei einer Tagung and der Technischen Universität Dresden betrachtet wurde. Darüber haben wir mit dem Herausgeber Wolfgang Rother gesprochen, der diesem Thema […]

Recensione a S. Pollo, La morale della natura, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2008

01/04/2009 Federico Morganti V (2009) Recensione Poniamo che l’intento sia quello di rifiutare la distinzione di scienza e filosofia – o, meglio, di relativizzare, riformulare, ripensare questa distinzione. Non incombe qui la minaccia di un paradosso? Se la questione della relazione tra filosofia e scienza è sollevata proprio con l’obiettivo di mettere in discussione la […]