Masini e l’avventura. Sull’inizio della tragedia
01/07/2024 Ubaldo Fadini XIX (2024), 1 Saggio The article deals with Ferruccio Masini’s interpretation of tragedy in Nietzsche’s thought. The tragic dimension of existence discloses a space for adventure, risk, and danger: Masini’s interpretation of Nietzsche’s thought as experimental philosophy is based on this. The adventure theme indicates precisely what cannot be anticipated and planned, […]
Il pensiero tragico di Luigi Pareyson
01/06/2024 Claudio Ciancio XIX (2024), 1 Saggio Pareyson’s tragic thought has its roots in his previous existentialist and hermeneutic orientations. It is based on a conception of God as absolute freedom, which defines its existence by excluding non-existence, but in doing so, configures its possibility. In contrast to the prevailing tendency to reduce the scope […]
L’assurdo, il male e il tragico in Rensi
01/06/2024 Sergio Givone XIX (2024), 1 Saggio The article addresses the problem of tragic thought, the theoretical and existential implications of which are analysed. Giuseppe Rensi’s critical confrontation with neo-idealist theses is the focus of the proposed study: overturning the Idealistic perspective, Rensi affirms the unreality of the rational and the reality of the irrational. […]
Eros e libertà: Gianni Carchia interprete di Schelling
01/06/2024 Luisa Bonanni XIX (2024), 1 Saggio The paper reconstructs Gianni Carchia’s reading of the elaborate notion of love in Schelling’s philosophy of freedom. Love, according to Schelling, is a relationship between two terms, which have the power to exist independently of the relationship itself and therefore freely choose to bind themselves to each other. […]
Dar forma al tragico. Su Gianni Carchia interprete di Hölderlin
01/06/2024 Ludovica Boi XIX (2024), 1 Saggio The problem of ‘tragic’ in Gianni Carchia’s thought has not yet been critically considered by scholars. This paper aims to compensate for this gap. After setting out the salient features of the notion of ‘tragic’ in the author’s thought, the focus is on one of his main sources, […]
Il tragico e la dialettica del nichilismo in Alberto Caracciolo
01/06/2024 Gerardo Cunico XIX (2024), 1 Saggio The essay firstly deals with the conception of the tragic outlined by Alberto Caracciolo (1918-1990) in an early discussion with the pertaining work by Karl Jaspers. Caracciolo connects this issue with the central problem of philosophy and religion condensed in the radical question: «why is being rather than […]
Religione e tragedia. L’orizzonte catartico del Nulla nella filosofia di Alberto Caracciolo
01/06/2024 Nicolò Germano XIX (2024), 1 Saggio This essay aims to examine the problem and the status of the tragic in Alberto Caracciolo’s philosophical reflection. In particular, it will emphasise how this theme is traced, in philosophical interpretation, to the problem of evil, of cosmic sin, in the particular figure that it takes on, as […]
L’«evento» tragico nell’interpretazione di Carlo Diano
01/06/2024 Michele Ricciotti XIX (2024), 1 Saggio This paper deals with Carlo Diano’s interpretation of Greek tragedy and the role the category of ‘event’ plays in it. First, I will analyse how, according to Diano, tragedy makes evident the irreconcilability between form and event. Then, I will retrace Diano’s readings of two tragedies, Sophocles’ Oedipus […]
Andrea Emo: «La nostra vita è tragedia»
01/06/2024 Laura Sanò XIX (2024), 1 Saggio Through deep, nihilistic thinking, Andrea Emo explores the complexity of the Absolute as a synthesis of being and non-being. Life, for Emo, is intrinsically tragic and negative, with the awareness of nothingness and death as constituent elements. The contemplation of nothingness, while leading to the recognition of the […]
Adriano Tilgher. La vena tragica della vita
01/06/2024 Luigi Capitano XIX (2024), 1 Saggio Adriano Tilgher was a major figure of irrationalistic vitalism. His major influences are Leopardi, Pirandello, Simmel, and Nietzsche, amongst others. Tilgher intuits the advent of a new skeptical relativism and a dramatic loss of values. His thought revolves around the notion of ‘tragic’, which is the destruction of […]