The reception of Croce’s Aesthetics in America

David D. Roberts XVII (2022), 1 Saggio Croce’s Estetica of 1902 immediately attracted attention in the United States, and he remained central to American discussion in aesthetics until the later 1960s. He won some able partisans, but he was widely misunderstood, even labeled an apostle of excess, license, and debauchery. Still, Croce remained a familiar […]

El objeto estético: correlaciòn y totalidad

Pedro Aullòn de Haro XVII (2022), 1 Saggio The 21st century world view provides access harmony/expresion to the totality of the aesthetic object, physis and techne, and their correlations. The object as ideas, as category and its classes, its logic, its ethical link and its supercategorisations are examined here. Scarica il pdf

Il cosiddetto irrazionale nell’arte

Renata Viti Cavaliere XVII (2022), 1 Saggio The so-called irrational in art, in analogy to the contingency of history, consists in the inexplicable creative spontaneity of the spirit. Croce opposed irrationalistic romanticism starting from 1902 with modern aesthetics, heir to Vico’s ‘logic of fantasy’, with the task of theoretically justifying the irrational in art. Poetry, […]

Arte e storia in Benedetto Croce

Massimo Verdicchio XVII (2022), 1 Saggio The issue of Croce’s history depends on the relation to his aesthetics which is in appearance symbolic, as it is in Hegel, but is in essence allegorical. As Croce states in the 1893 essay and in the Estetica, history is an hybrid form of art that partakes of the […]

Il problema estetico. La prima forma della gnoseologia crociana (1900-1904)

Rosalia Peluso XVII (2022), 1 Saggio The article analyzes the genesis and the content of the ‘aesthetic problem’ in the philosophy of Benedetto Croce. In particular, attention is immediately drawn to the philosophical physiognomy of this problem: it is rooted in the principle according to which‘art is knowledge’and of which it is necessary to clarify […]

La fortuna dell’Estetica del 1902 in Italia

Paolo D’Angelo XVII (2022), 1 Saggio The paper focusses on the influence exerted by Croce’s Estetica of 1902 on the Italian culture. The first paragraph is devoted to the reviews and translations that appeared immediately after the publication of the book. However rich in number, both reviews and translations were not essential for the fortune […]

Elementi romantici nella estetica di Gentile

01/12/2015 Luigi Scaravelli X (2015), 2 Documenti The following paper reproduces the unpublished text of a conference likely held by Scaravelli atthe Deutsch-Italienisches Kulturinstitut zu Köln (Petrarca-Haus) in 1939. The author’s will was tointroduce the German public to Gentile’s thought, presented as a newer and more appropriate version of a philosophy of spirit – a […]

Recensione a B. Croce, Estetica come scienza dell’espressione e linguistica generale, 3 voll., a cura di F. Audisio, Bibliopolis, Napoli 2014

01/06/2015 Luca Viglialoro X (2015), 1 Recensione La pubblicazione dell’edizione critica dell’Estetica di Benedetto Croce va salutata come unevento scientifico di grandissima rilevanza non solo per gli studi disciplinari legati alle origini eagli sviluppi dell’estetica nel Novecento, ma anche per il dibattito filosofico contemporaneo toutcourt. L’edizione, curata da Felicita Audisio e costituita da tre tomi […]