Labirinti della modernità: Ernesto De Martino e l’Apocalisse dell’Occidente

Giuseppe Maccauro XIII (2018), 2 Saggio Among several themes of De Martino’s research, a remarkable interest is addressed to the theme of the crisis of western society. The paper focuses on the analysis of the works where De Martino proposes his hypothesis of <<umanesimo etnografico>> as the cure of ‘civilization and its discontents’.   Scarica il […]

La ricezione di Gramsci negli anni Settanta del Novecento

Luca Basile XIII (2018), 2 Saggio In this essay I try to outline a reconstruction of Gramsci’s fortune throughout the 70’s. The supported hypothesis is that one can rightly speak of ‘gramscism’ only starting from 1968, in relation to the experience of southern-Italy marxism. In particular, attention is paid to the meaning of the conference […]