Tra teoria politica e antropologia materialistica. Intervista a Paolo Virno

01/06/2016 Tania Rispoli XI (2016), 1 Intervista The connection between political activism and political theory characterises Virno’s intellectualendeavour and it culminates in a materialistic anthropology, assessing the constitutive ambivalence of the human faculties and of the logical figures of the possibility embodied in our behaviour. The human animal, thanks to its capability to deny, shakes […]

L’opera-cantiere di Ernesto De Martino. Intervista a Marcello Massenzio

Massimiliano Biscuso XIV (2019), 2 Intervista In the following interview, Marcello Massenzio, president of Associazione Internazionale “Ernesto De Martino”, talks about the characteristics and importance of De Martino’s posthumous work La ne del mondo (The End of theWorld) and reconstructs the complex editorial story of this book, which is also part of Italian (and French) […]

La “crisi delle scienze religiose”. Ernesto De Martino fra storicismo e irrazionalismo

01/06/2014 Donatella Nigro IX (2014), 1 Saggio My aim in this essay is to examine a particular aspect of Ernesto De Martino’s reflectionabout XXth century decline of the West: what he calls crisis of religious sciences. With this expression, the Italian philosopher and ethnologist refers to the triumph of irrationalist and anti-historicist leanings within contemporary […]

Recensione a G. Charuty, Ernesto de Martino. Le precedenti vite di un antropologo, Franco Angeli, 2010

01/04/2011 Massimiliano Biscuso VII (2011) Recensione L’ampia ricerca di Giordana Charuty, antropologa e directeur d’études all’école pratique des Hautesétudes di Parigi, si propone di ricostruire i complessi percorsi che hanno portato Ernesto deMartino a fondare l’antropologia religiosa in Italia. Di qui la scelta di concentrarsi sullaformazione dello studioso napoletano, che ella ritiene si estenda fino […]

Il mondo magico dei gephyrismi eleusini

Chiara Cappiello XIII (2018), 2 Saggio The paper analyses the link between magic and religion in Ernesto De Martino’s thought, starting from his thesis on gephyrismi eleusini. The thesis – published for the first time in its original version in <<Archivio di storia della cultura>> (31, 2018) – shows a conception of religion already charismatic […]

L’autenticità della presenza. De Martino critico di Heidegger

Sergio Fabio Berardini XIII (2018), 2 Saggio In this article I will discuss the relationship between the italian ethnologist Ernesto De Martino (1908-1965) and the German philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889-1976). In particular, my aim is to argue against the thesis for which De Martino’s philosophical tought is largely inspired by Heidegger’s existential analytic, and consequentially […]

Labirinti della modernità: Ernesto De Martino e l’Apocalisse dell’Occidente

Giuseppe Maccauro XIII (2018), 2 Saggio Among several themes of De Martino’s research, a remarkable interest is addressed to the theme of the crisis of western society. The paper focuses on the analysis of the works where De Martino proposes his hypothesis of <<umanesimo etnografico>> as the cure of ‘civilization and its discontents’.   Scarica il […]