Aspetti dello storicismo di Togliatti

Marcello Mustè XVI (2021), 1 Saggio Togliatti always offered of himself the image of a “pupil” of Antonio Gramsci. Indeed, he was the editor and continuer of his thought. Starting from Gramsci’s work, he built a cultural policy and, in general, the new policy of Italian Communists. But his writings also show the pro le […]

Tra storia e ragione: Giambattista Vico e la promessa di un mito classico

01/12/2016 Almut-Barbara Renger XI (2016), 2 Saggio Starting from Vico’s thought, my attempt in the present paper is to examine the primary tension between rational identity and historical difference within the European tradition. In this way, I want to establish Vico’s usefulness for a reconsideration of mythic, religious and even national pluralism. Upon adumbrating my […]

Benedetto Croce e la fondazione dell’Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici

01/12/2016 Marco Diamanti XI (2016), 2 Saggio This text aims to combine interests and inputs deriving from my experience at the Istituto italianoper gli studi storici in Naples. The paper is designed not so much to increase the reader’s knowledge of the “objective” history of the Institute, as to define – from specific perspectives – […]

Vico poeta dell’alba

01/12/2016 Aniello Montano XI (2016), 2 Saggio The essay is related to the thought of Giambattista Vico which the author, by using a definitionof Giuseppe Capograssi, interprets as a philosophy of the dawn and of the origins of historical reasonagainst an abstract reason, a reason at sunset time which fixes the reality in cold conceptual […]

Gramsci e il marxismo come storicismo assoluto

Giuseppe Cospito XVI (2021), 1 Saggio In a few notes of Prison Notebooks written starting from 1932, Antonio Gramsci defines the «philosophy of praxis» as «absolute historicism».The aim of this paper is to clarify the meaning of conceiving Marxism as historicism, the meaning of the adjective “absolute” in this context and the relationship between Gramsci’s […]

La Società degli Amici di Antonio Rosmini-Serbati

01/06/2016 Stefania Zanardi XI (2016), 1 Saggio The essay presents the Society of Friends, founded at a young age from Antonio Rosmini-Serbati, where the first delineation of the idea of ‘society’ emerges. Through the reading of the statute it analyses its peculiar characteristics and the differences between the Society of Friends and Secret Societies. Scarica […]

Ricordo di Aniello Montano

01/06/2016 Massimiliano Biscuso XI (2016), 1 Saggio La notte del 13 dicembre 2015 è morto Aniello Montano, che dal marzo 2013 avevagenerosamente accettato di far parte del nostro Comitato Scientifico.Nato ad Acerra il 3 dicembre 1941, formatosi all’Università di Napoli “Federico II” sotto laguida di Giuseppe Martano, Montano divenne prima docente di Filosofia e Storia […]