Guido Calogero e l’«altro volto» di Socrate. Il Cinismo Antico

01/12/2023 Stefano Mecci XVIII (2023), 2 Saggio Aim of my paper is to analyze, for the first time and in detail, the interpretation that Guido Calogero, a renowned Italian philosopher of the 20th century and a profound interpreter of ancient thought, provided for Cynicism. First, my aim is to examine the general features of Calogero’s […]

Su alcuni usi politici della memoria e dell’«oblivione delle cose» in Machiavelli

01/12/2023 Giulio Gisondi XVIII (2023), 2 Saggio This article reconstructs some of the main political uses of memory and the ‘oblivion of things’ in Machiavelli’s work, beginning with the brief observation on the necessity of memory in the government of a state, in De natura Gallorum, the Discourses, and the Prince. The article analyzes Machiavellian […]

La critica femminista al linguaggio neutro della teoria: Adriana Cavarero

Olivia Guaraldo XVIII (2023), 1 Saggio This essay discusses Adriana Cavarero’s feminist critique of the neutral language of philosophy and her theory of sexual difference. The notion of sexual difference – as originally developed in the work of Luce Irigaray – is crucial to Adriana Cavarero’s philosophy: the human is never neutral, but always sexed, […]

La semiotica filosofica di Umberto Eco: cultura, enciclopedia, interpretazione

Stefano Traini XVIII (2023), 1 Saggio Eco was a semiotician who played a fundamental role in the birth, consolidation and development of semiotics, in Italy and in the world; but more generally he was – as he himself acknowledged in his Intellectual Autobiography – a historian and a theorist of culture. After all, the two […]

Tullio De Mauro. Una semiologia a base semantica

Michela Tardella XVIII (2023), 1 Saggio Tullio de Mauro was one of the most representative intellectuals in the field of philosophical reflection on language that Italian culture has expressed in the last sixty years. Scientifically multifaceted personality, he animated the cultural and political debate in our country, operating not only within the universities where he […]

L’altro dell’immagine. Il linguaggio in Emilio Garroni, tra riflessione estetica e filosofia critica

Dario Cecchi XVIII (2023), 1 Saggio The paper reconstructs Emilio Garroni’s criticism of semiotics’ claim to theorize reference only within semiotic systems, whilst Garroni points out to the ‘metaoperativity’ concerned with this operation. Garroni then theorized the existence of a mutual relationship between the ‘faculty of language’ and the ‘faculty of image’, which afford in […]

Le basi linguistiche della Critica del gusto di Galvano Della Volpe

Romeo Bufalo XVIII (2023), 1 Saggio This essay focuses on Galvano Della Volpe’s Critique of Taste, with which the Italian philosopher proposed, about 60 years ago, a materialistic-historical aesthetic based on the semantic character of the expressive means employed by art. In particular, this essay discusses the main theoretical novelties of the book and how […]

Le origini della filosofia analitica del linguaggio in Italia

Fabio Sterpetti XVIII (2023), 1 Saggio The aim of this paper is to identify the origin of Italian analytic philosophy of language. Firstly, some of its forerunners are identified. Then some authors that played a decisive role for establishing conditions that were necessary for an Italian analytic philosophy of language to begin are identified. Finally, […]

La semiotica del linguaggio di Ferruccio Rossi-Landi

Cosimo Caputo XVIII (2023), 1 Saggio In Rossi-Landi, general semiotics is sociosemiotics in a profound and original sense. The (socio-)semiotic interpretation of the notions of ‘mind’, ‘commodity’, ‘ruling class’, ‘ideology’ such as to find a semioeconomy renders Rossi-Landi’s research innovative and pioneering. Nonetheless, his work remained in the minor tradition, especially with respect to Italian […]