La “crisi delle scienze religiose”. Ernesto De Martino fra storicismo e irrazionalismo

01/06/2014 Donatella Nigro IX (2014), 1 Saggio My aim in this essay is to examine a particular aspect of Ernesto De Martino’s reflectionabout XXth century decline of the West: what he calls crisis of religious sciences. With this expression, the Italian philosopher and ethnologist refers to the triumph of irrationalist and anti-historicist leanings within contemporary […]

Hegel e la contraddizione (III)

01/06/2014 Adalberto Coltelluccio IX (2014), 1 Saggio This third part of the reflection upon the notions of dialectics follows the first part (focused onthe interpetations derived from the Marxian tradition, especially by Della Volpe and Colletti, and thosecoming from the historical and genetic consideration developed by Merker, Rossi, Varnier, Raspa andBiscuso), and the second part […]

L’esito eleatico del pensiero speculativo italiano. Analisi dei contributi di Mauro Visentin

01/12/2013 Stefano Maschietti VIII (2013), 2 Saggio The essay discusses Visentin’s theses presented in his book Il neoparmenidismo italiano. Vol II. Dalneoidealismo al neoparmenidismo (2011), which develops and concludes the critical reconstruction started in his Il neoparmenidismo italiano. Vol I. Le premesse storiche e filosofiche (2005). The contribution focuses on the four philosophers examined by […]

Uomo e trascendenza fra filosofia ed esperienza religiosa. La prospettiva di Alberto Caracciolo e Luigi Pareyson

01/12/2013 Marco Ivaldo VIII (2013), 2 Saggio In my essay I take into account the perspectives on the relationship between man andtranscendence elaborated by two Italian philosophers of the same generation: Alberto Caracciolo (1918-1990) and Luigi Pareyson (1918-1991). In both has an essential role the “philosophy of the existence”, especially the meditations of Karl Jaspers […]

Guido De Ruggiero e “La Voce”

01/12/2013 Federica Pitillo VIII (2013), 2 Saggio The essay focuses on the articles De Ruggiero wrote for the review “La Voce” across 1912 and1913. The reflection on this cooperation, which is still nearly unknown, rapresents a privileged point ofview on the early works of the Neapolitan philosopher. Starting from the reflection on the science,passing on […]

Hegel e la contraddizione (II)

01/12/2013 Adalberto Coltelluccio VIII (2013), 2 Saggio The essay completes the review of the interpretations of Hegelian contradiction provided inItaly in the second half of the nineteenth century. Opening is critically discussed Emanuele Severino’s‘paracoherentist’ thesis, who has argued that Hegel would have defended the PNC for sure, even if with no success. The long middle […]

Considerazioni su Machiavelli e sulla decisione morale

01/06/2013 Gennaro Sasso VIII (2013), 1 Saggio The paper raises some of the foundamental issues of Machiavelli’s thought, focusing on thechallenge that this thought issued to ethics. Consisting of three parts, the paper starts with an inquiry into the misfortune of Machiavelli: as Sasso argues, this does not depend merely on the effects that Il […]

Hegel e la contraddizione (I)

01/06/2013 Adalberto Coltelluccio VIII (2013), 1 Saggio With the first section of this essay, the author reviews the contributions of some of the mostimportant italian scholars who interpreted the question of contradiction in Hegel, from the second half of the twentieth century to nowadays. The author begins by summarizing Della Volpe’s and Colletti’s interpretations. From […]

Il mondo magico dei gephyrismi eleusini

Chiara Cappiello XIII (2018), 2 Saggio The paper analyses the link between magic and religion in Ernesto De Martino’s thought, starting from his thesis on gephyrismi eleusini. The thesis – published for the first time in its original version in <<Archivio di storia della cultura>> (31, 2018) – shows a conception of religion already charismatic […]

L’autenticità della presenza. De Martino critico di Heidegger

Sergio Fabio Berardini XIII (2018), 2 Saggio In this article I will discuss the relationship between the italian ethnologist Ernesto De Martino (1908-1965) and the German philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889-1976). In particular, my aim is to argue against the thesis for which De Martino’s philosophical tought is largely inspired by Heidegger’s existential analytic, and consequentially […]