La filosofia italiana come problema

01/06/2015 Marcello Mustè X (2015), 1 Saggio The paper deals with the questions of the so-called “Italian Theory” and “Italian Thought”.The author outlines a brief outlook on the main perspectives about the identity of Italian philosophy,from Vico to Carlo Antoni and Giovanni Gentile, and considers the relationship between the reform ofthe Hegelian dialectic and the […]

Filologia come filosofia dell’espressione in Giorgio Colli

01/06/2015 Marco Carassai X (2015), 1 Saggio The essay aims to show that the fundamental speculative knots of Giorgio Colli’s thought canbe interpreted as the conscious result of a radical rethinking of a theoretical praxis, more specifically as the result of the philological praxis, in whose philosophical rearticulation the metaphysical understanding of the world as […]

Una filosofia del desiderio. Rassegna di alcune recenti pubblicazioni sul pensiero di Leopardi

01/06/2015 Massimiliano Biscuso X (2015), 1 Saggio In this review the author discusses the latest interpretations of Giacomo Leopardi’sphilosophical thought, with special regard to two books that both focus, from different points of view, on the Leopardian concept of desire. On the one hand, Alessandra Aloisi’s book relates this concept to that of “assuefaction”, in […]

Auschwitz in mimesis. Primo Levi e la rappresentazione

Demetrio Paolin XV (2020), 2 Saggio The essay by analyzing some of Primo Levi’s texts on the nature of pain in the lager universe tries to reflect on the possibility or not of being able to give narrative representation to questions such as: Can the reader contain my experience of the lager in himself? Can […]

L’esperienza e la funzione del pensare nella filosofia di Bertrando Spaventa

01/12/2014 Marco Diamanti IX (2014), 2 Saggio The last Bertrando Spaventa’s speculation was marked out by the need to answer to the positivist demand to replace the traditional epistemological approach with a scientific method ables to promote a simply empirical knowledge. In this paper, I intend to show how did Spaventa prove that the process […]

La «rivoluzione passiva» da Cuoco a Gramsci. Appunti per una interpretazione

01/12/2014 Antonio Di Meo IX (2014), 2 Saggio he concept of «passive revolution» has become a canon of historical and political interpretation, especially from the Saggio storico sulla Rivoluzione di Napoli (1801, 1806) by VincenzoCuoco. Variously used by the Italian culture, its significance, spread and use is mainly due even today to the theorization of […]

Nastri dell’eloquenza. Sulla retorica di Vico

01/06/2014 Libera Pisano IX (2014), 1 Saggio This essay proposes to examine the relationship between Rhetoric and Philosophy in Vico’sInstitutiones Oratorie and other writings, except for The New Science. Far from being only a scholastical notion, eloquence is at the core of Vico’s philosophy, as a political and pedagogical tool and an improvement of human […]

Il senso della dialettica nella filosofia di Bertrando Spaventa

01/06/2014 Marcello Mustè IX (2014), 1 Saggio Through the historical and genetic reconstruction of Spaventa’s reflection upon the first logicalcategories in Hegel’s philosophy, this paper seeks to show how Spaventa broke up the dialectic, while he tried to defend it against the critiques, that several thinkers had moved to it, starting from Trendelenburg. Compared with […]