Use as a Form-of-Life. Agamben and the Stoics

Lucilla Guidi XIV (2019), 2 Saggio The paper analyzes Agamben’s reading of the Stoics’ theory of appropriation, so as to outline the specific notion of use as form-of-life developed in The Use of Bodies.The paper claims that the Stoics enable Agamben to rethink the meaning of life beyond the biopolitical paradigm, thereby offering an account […]

Il «galileismo morale» di Galvano Della Volpe

Giuliano Guzzone XIV (2019), 2 Saggio This essay deals with Galvano Della Volpe’s interpretation of Galileo Galilei between 1947 and 1957, focusing on the experimental theory of knowledge. First of all, the author shows that this interpretation arises in the period 1947-1948, when Della Volpe had already outlined his understanding of the Marxian anthropology as […]

Emancipazione, subalternità e moralità. A partire da alcuni temi gramsciani

Fernanda Gallo XIV (2019), 2 Saggio Mainly based on Gramsci’s theory of culture and some of its basic issues (folklore, popolarliterature,“Lorianism”), this essay deals with the need for emancipation of the subaltern masses and its Ungleichzeitigkeit (E. Bloch).The main question still is: can this need for emancipation be satised by a universal political movement, which […]

L’immanazione: una forma-di-vita…

Flavio Luzi XV (2020), 2 Saggio This article aims to lay the foundations for a rethinking of the theoretical operation carried out by Giorgio Agamben in the twenty-years project Homo sacer, starting from some lines of ight that take the work outside of itself, according to the trajectory suggested by coeval or later texts. In […]

Le radici schopenhaueriane del pensiero di Giuseppe Rensi

Fabio Ciracì XV (2020), 2 Saggio The cultural trajectory of Giuseppe Rensi takes place between the skepticism, developed in the early 1920s and culminates with the Filosofia dell’Assurdo, and the adherence to a nihilistic and mystical worldview, characterizing the last phase of his philosophical thought.This paper aims to show the Schopenhauerian roots (weakness of reason, […]

La chiave e la bussola. Sul carattere della Scienza Nuova di Vico

Matteo Carducci XV (2020), 2 Saggio The following essay deals with the Giambattista Vico’s masterpiece. Many aspects of la Scienza Nuova (1744) are still subject to scholarly debate in the present day, including its character, for some scholars stressing its geometric structure while others are attracted to its poetic and imaginative features. Beginning with what […]

Alcune osservazioni di Benedetto Croce e Giovanni Gentile sulla filosofia di Jacobi

Cecilia Castellani XV (2020), 2 Saggio An Italian translation of Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi’s philosophical work Über die Lehre des Spinoza in Briefen an den Herrn Moses Mendelssohn was first published in 1914. It was edited by Francesco Capra within the collection of authors and texts «Classicidellafilosofiamoderna», directed by B. Croce and G. Gentile.The article is […]

«Martiri della verità» e modelli di umanità. Sulle fonti italiane di Herder

Laura Follesa XV (2020), 2 Saggio This contribution is about Herder’s selection and use of Italian literary, philosophical and scientific sources. His later writings (especially the Briefe, and the journal «Adrastea») contain a huge repertory of Italian sources and confirm Herder’s purpose to present authors of the past as ‘models’ for developing a new kind […]