Il cosiddetto irrazionale nell’arte

Renata Viti Cavaliere XVII (2022), 1 Saggio The so-called irrational in art, in analogy to the contingency of history, consists in the inexplicable creative spontaneity of the spirit. Croce opposed irrationalistic romanticism starting from 1902 with modern aesthetics, heir to Vico’s ‘logic of fantasy’, with the task of theoretically justifying the irrational in art. Poetry, […]

Giuseppe Ferrari tra intellettualismo etico-politico e democrazia sostanziale

01/06/2016 Marco Majone XI (2016), 1 Saggio The aim of this article is to define Giuseppe Ferrari’s political thinking as the result of a complex critical analysis, which considers the theoretical systems not as exclusive abstract inferences but rather as analytical paradigms that validate the political praxis, well knows as empirical practice and, therefore, never […]

Italian Theory. Una riflessione critica

01/06/2016 Augusto Illuminati XI (2016), 1 Saggio Does something like an Italian Theory exist at all? The common thread that goes from Machiavelli through Vico until Gramsci is at the core of the contemporary debate. But are generic categories of “conflict” and “life” able to hold together such different authors in such a long period […]

Dizionario dell’egemonia. Da Gioberti a Gramsci

01/06/2016 Antonio Di Meo XI (2016), 1 Saggio The notion of hegemony has a long history that begins in Greek Antiquity. It the resurfaced inthe European historiography and political theory of the 19th century, especially in reference to the events of the German Confederation and the role that Prussia played in that context. By analogy, […]

Emanciparsi dalla Rivoluzione francese. La riflessione e il giudizio di Mazzini sul 1789

01/06/2016 Jacopo Dell’Omo XI (2016), 1 Saggio The paper aims at investigating Mazzini’s interpretation of the French Revolution as describedin Dell’iniziativa rivoluzionaria in Europa (1834–35). This view, in fact, illustrates specific and distinct aspects of Mazzini’s political thought, such as the dialectic between individuality and association and the importance of the sphere of duties in […]

La filosofia politica di Giorgio Agamben. Concetti, metodi e problemi

01/06/2016 Jacopo D’Alonzo XI (2016), 1 Saggio This essay emphasizes the critical reversal of the traditional historiographical model dominant inhistory of ideas. If most of the actual scientifc currents give more attention to the study of thepast world while progressively decreasing their focus on the contemporary world, Geymonathas done the opposite. Therefore, in his History […]

Arte e storia in Benedetto Croce

Massimo Verdicchio XVII (2022), 1 Saggio The issue of Croce’s history depends on the relation to his aesthetics which is in appearance symbolic, as it is in Hegel, but is in essence allegorical. As Croce states in the 1893 essay and in the Estetica, history is an hybrid form of art that partakes of the […]

Il problema estetico. La prima forma della gnoseologia crociana (1900-1904)

Rosalia Peluso XVII (2022), 1 Saggio The article analyzes the genesis and the content of the ‘aesthetic problem’ in the philosophy of Benedetto Croce. In particular, attention is immediately drawn to the philosophical physiognomy of this problem: it is rooted in the principle according to which‘art is knowledge’and of which it is necessary to clarify […]

La fortuna dell’Estetica del 1902 in Italia

Paolo D’Angelo XVII (2022), 1 Saggio The paper focusses on the influence exerted by Croce’s Estetica of 1902 on the Italian culture. The first paragraph is devoted to the reviews and translations that appeared immediately after the publication of the book. However rich in number, both reviews and translations were not essential for the fortune […]