Un parricidio compiuto. Il confronto finale di Marx con Hegel. Intervista a Roberto Finelli

01/06/2015 Ambrogio Garofano X (2015), 1 Intervista Starting from his last book Un parricidio compiuto. Il confronto finale di Marx con Hegel, RobertoFinelli recounts his way of interpreting and developing Marx’s thought. Focusing on the relationshipbetween Marx and Hegel, Finelli critically reviews some of the most influential Marxist scholars of theTwentieth century, with particular regard […]

Filosofia e tecnica, tra passato e futuro. Intervista a Luciano Floridi

Alessandro De Cesaris XVI (2021), 2 Intervista The following text is a transcription of an interview to Luciano Floridi, one of the prominent figures in the current debate on philosophy and technology. In this exchange, Floridi answers some questions concerning his academic and philosophical formation, his idea of philosophy of technology and his recently started […]

L’opera-cantiere di Ernesto De Martino. Intervista a Marcello Massenzio

Massimiliano Biscuso XIV (2019), 2 Intervista In the following interview, Marcello Massenzio, president of Associazione Internazionale “Ernesto De Martino”, talks about the characteristics and importance of De Martino’s posthumous work La ne del mondo (The End of theWorld) and reconstructs the complex editorial story of this book, which is also part of Italian (and French) […]

Origini ed eredità dell’operaismo. Intervista a Mario Tronti

Giulia Dettori XV (2020), 2 Intervista In the following interview, the philosopher and politician Mario Tronti traces the origins of Operaism, of which he was the founder, in the 1960s. He talks about the most important concepts elaborated during this phase of thought and political militancy and what elements of this experience he continued to […]

Filosofia e idealismo. Intervista a Gennaro Sasso

01/12/2014 Ambrogio Garofano IX (2014), 2 Intervista The last issue of the collected volumes Filosofia e idealismo (Bibliopolis, 2012) give us the opportunity to interview Gennaro Sasso on his task of rethinking Italian neo-idealism from an original theoretical position. Here we retrace some of the theses developed by Sasso in his main works dedicated to […]

Lo Zibaldone ritrovato in una bottiglia. Intervista a Franco D’Intino

01/12/2014 Morris Karp IX (2014), 2 Intervista One year after the first English translation of Leopardi’s Zibaldone has been published, FrancoD’Intino, eminent scholar of Italian modern literature and one of the editors of the book, speaks aboutthe way this enterprise was conducted, and the scenario it discloses for the comprehension of Leopardi’s thought. Scarica il […]

Leggere Husserl oggi. Intervista a Vincenzo Costa

01/06/2014 Federica Buongiorno IX (2014), 1 Intervista In this interview, Vincenzo Costa reports about his personal way of interpreting and developingHusserl’s phenomenology, referring to his work as a translator of the Husserlian main writings in Italian as well as to his examination of other philosophers (such as Stumpf and Derrida), whose thought he takes into […]

Pensiero vivente. Una discussione con Roberto Esposito

01/12/2013 Stefania Pietroforte, Massimiliano Biscuso e Federica Buongiorno VIII (2013), 2 Intervista The interview deals with Roberto Esposito’s book Pensiero vivente (2010) and its reception in Italyand abroad. Through the consideration of some of the main figures of Italian philosophy, Espositoproposes an original interpretation of Italian philosophical culture, focused on the topics of history and […]

“Ripensare la filosofia”. Un colloquio con (e su) Carlo Cellucci

01/12/2013 Federica Buongiorno VIII (2013), 2 Intervista In this interview, Carlo Cellucci recalls the main phases of his own scientific and academic path,from the first studies in logic in Milan to the late teaching at SAPIENZA University of Rome. Theinterview underlines the significance of Cellucci’s investigations into the nature of logics, philosophy and theory of […]