Idealismo e filosofia: tra pensiero della crisi e concetti puri. Intervista a Gennaro Sasso
Jonathan Salina XVII (2022), 2 Intervista This interview wants to discuss some contents about Idealismo e filosofia (Bologna 2020), a theoretical and critical work from Gennaro Sasso, an important italian historian of philosophy and philosopher, who considers with attention (as for his previous works) the italian idealism of Benedetto Croce and Giovanni Gentile. Starting from […]
Le nuove modalità di accesso all’insegnamento della Filosofia nella Scuola secondaria. Intervista a Fabrizio Lomonaco e Maria Teresa Pansera
01/12/2016 Massimiliano Biscuso XI (2016), 2 Intervista The joint interview to Lomonaco and Pansera verges to highlight the effects of the new reformof teaching Philosophy in the secondary school, which provides the opportunity to teach Philosophy by anyone who has achieved a master or a specialist degree in Anthropology and Ethnology, Educational Science, Science of […]
Estetica, filosofia, critica. Intervista a Paolo D’Angelo
01/12/2016 Lisa Giombini XI (2016), 2 Intervista A variety of interests and suggestions has characterized Paolo D’Angelo’s research path withinthe field of Aesthetics. In this interview, D’Angelo follows the main threads that run throughout his very first steps as a scholar, leading finally to his last books, Le nevrosi di Manzoni and Il problema Croce. […]
Laicità, democrazia e critica della società del superfluo. Storia della «Rivista Trimestrale». Intervista a Marcello Mustè
01/12/2016 Giorgio Fazio XI (2016), 2 Intervista The interview traces the different stages of the story of the «Rivista Trimestrale» andreconstructs the role that it had in the political cultural and philosophical Italian debate since the sixties. In the interview, Marcello Mustè shows the way in which many of the insights and reflections that were […]
Empire, quindici anni dopo. Intervista ad Antonio Negri
01/06/2016 Elia Zaru XI (2016), 1 Intervista In this interview, the italian philosopher Antonio Negri reports about his book Empire, writtenwith Michael Hardt, edited in the 2000 and considered one of the most important contributions in thecontemporary political theory. Negri narrates the context in which the book was born and discusses some of the principal […]
Tra teoria politica e antropologia materialistica. Intervista a Paolo Virno
01/06/2016 Tania Rispoli XI (2016), 1 Intervista The connection between political activism and political theory characterises Virno’s intellectualendeavour and it culminates in a materialistic anthropology, assessing the constitutive ambivalence of the human faculties and of the logical figures of the possibility embodied in our behaviour. The human animal, thanks to its capability to deny, shakes […]
Ai confini dell’operaismo. Intervista a Sandro Mezzadra
01/06/2016 Marina Montanelli XI (2016), 1 Intervista Sandro Mezzadra insegna Filosofia Politica all’Università di Bologna. È Adjunct Fellow pressol’Institute for Culture and Society della University of Western Sydney e Visiting Research Fellowalla Humboldt Universität di Berlino (BIM – Berliner Institut für empirische Migrations- undIntegrationsforschung, October 1, 2015 – July 31, 2016). È stato inoltre Visiting […]
«Una teoria generale del conflitto sociale». Lotte di classe, marxismo e relazioni internazionali. Intervista a Domenico Losurdo
01/06/2016 Matteo Gargani XI (2016), 1 Intervista The goal of the first part of the interview is to understand the Author’s view of Marx and to compare it with other prominent Italian interpretations of Marxist philosophy, starting from World War II. Particular attention is devoted to the relationship between class struggle theory and the Marxist […]
L’Italia ebraica del Rinascimento. Intervista a Giuseppe Veltri
Libera Pisano XV (2020), 1 Intervista On the occasion of the publication of his most recent book Il Rinascimento nel pensiero ebraico (Paideia 2020), Giuseppe Veltri elucidates some crucial issues concerning the scientific and philosophical revolutions of the Italian Reinassance from a Jewish perspective. In order to do it, he will discuss the pivotal role […]
Amor che move. Linguaggio del corpo e forma del desiderio in Dante, Pasolini e Morante. Una discussione con Manuele Gragnolati
01/06/2015 Federica Buongiorno, Ambrogio Garofano X (2015), 1 Intervist Starting from his 2013 book about Dante, Pasolini and Morante, in this interview Manuele Gragnolati discusses his own interpretation of Dante’s work with the help of some leading concepts and categories taken from the queer theory, and suggests the possibility to re-think Dante’s writings incomparison to […]