L’opera-cantiere di Ernesto De Martino. Intervista a Marcello Massenzio

Massimiliano Biscuso XIV (2019), 2 Intervista In the following interview, Marcello Massenzio, president of Associazione Internazionale “Ernesto De Martino”, talks about the characteristics and importance of De Martino’s posthumous work La ne del mondo (The End of theWorld) and reconstructs the complex editorial story of this book, which is also part of Italian (and French) […]

Su alcune recenti pubblicazioni crociane

Jonathan Salina XIV (2019), 2 Saggio This article offers a critical discussion of some recent works dedicated to Benedetto Croce and his philosophical work. Reading some contemporary tendencies of critics about Croce, I will especially try to consider if is it possible or useful to view this thinker and his philosophical work from an only […]

La vita vista dai morti. Il dialogo tra Federico Ruysch e le sue mummie

Antonio Di Meo XIV (2019), 2 Saggio In 1824 Giacomo Leopardi’s thought enters a new phase: pleasure was no longer connected with vitality and the feelings which it provoked, but with the necessity of reducing the insurgence of vitality itself up to a point where a state similar to death or akin to sleep was […]

Italian Hacking ed eredità. La ragione costruzionista da Giambattista Vico e Luciano Floridi

Giacomo Pezzano XIV (2019), 2 Saggio In this paper, I discuss the peculiarity of the Italian philosophy of the “impure reason” by highlighting the connection between the ideas of a “classic” Italian philosopher and the works of a contemporary Italian philosopher: Giambattista Vico and Luciano Floridi. With this aim, I present a defence of “constructionism” […]

Use as a Form-of-Life. Agamben and the Stoics

Lucilla Guidi XIV (2019), 2 Saggio The paper analyzes Agamben’s reading of the Stoics’ theory of appropriation, so as to outline the specific notion of use as form-of-life developed in The Use of Bodies.The paper claims that the Stoics enable Agamben to rethink the meaning of life beyond the biopolitical paradigm, thereby offering an account […]

Il «galileismo morale» di Galvano Della Volpe

Giuliano Guzzone XIV (2019), 2 Saggio This essay deals with Galvano Della Volpe’s interpretation of Galileo Galilei between 1947 and 1957, focusing on the experimental theory of knowledge. First of all, the author shows that this interpretation arises in the period 1947-1948, when Della Volpe had already outlined his understanding of the Marxian anthropology as […]

Emancipazione, subalternità e moralità. A partire da alcuni temi gramsciani

Fernanda Gallo XIV (2019), 2 Saggio Mainly based on Gramsci’s theory of culture and some of its basic issues (folklore, popolarliterature,“Lorianism”), this essay deals with the need for emancipation of the subaltern masses and its Ungleichzeitigkeit (E. Bloch).The main question still is: can this need for emancipation be satised by a universal political movement, which […]