Recensione a A. Lee, Machiavelli. His Life and Times, Pangrave Macmillan, London 2021

Ludovico Battista XVI (2021), 2 Recensione Voluminosa, dettagliata, adorna di preziose illustrazioni, nonché piacevolmente scritta e soprattutto accessibile anche per un pubblico non accademico, la recente biografia di Niccolò Machiavelli di Alexander Lee è senz’altro un’opera di pregio e un lavoro utile per chi si accosti allo studio della figura di Machiavelli. Scarica il pdf

Filosofia e tecnica, tra passato e futuro. Intervista a Luciano Floridi

Alessandro De Cesaris XVI (2021), 2 Intervista The following text is a transcription of an interview to Luciano Floridi, one of the prominent figures in the current debate on philosophy and technology. In this exchange, Floridi answers some questions concerning his academic and philosophical formation, his idea of philosophy of technology and his recently started […]

Pluralismo, policentrismo, usi del passato. Filosofia/e italiana/e in questione

Massimiliano Biscuso XVI (2021), 2 Discussione In this review I examine some recent publications on Italian philosophy and their main problems: whether it is possible to identify the essential characteristics of Italian philosophy, its relationship with tradition, the different meanings of tradition, the current condition of philosophical thought in Italy. Scarica il pdf

Il pragmatismo italiano nel suo tempo e nel nostro

Sarin Marchetti XVI (2021), 2 Discussione The volume edited by Roni and Zarlenga represents an occasion to rethink the very contours of classical Italian pragmatism and its contribution to the shaping of our contemporary philosophical outlook. The contributions present us with a rich scene of collaborations between the classical Italian pragmatists and key figures of […]

Philosophia facta est quae historia fuit. Le raccolte di scritti di Guido Calogero sul pensiero antico a cura di Aldo Brancacci

Leonardo Franchi XVI (2021), 2 Discussione This paper focuses on Aldo Brancacci’s collection and re-edition of Guido Calogero’s essays devoted to the Ancient Philosophy. The aim of this paper is to point out some reasons of the relevance of the ancient thought in Calogero’s one, by going through Calogero’s philosophical and historiographical perspectives, but also […]

La lunga storia di Marx e del marxismo in Italia

Guido Liguori XVI (2021), 2 Discussione Two books, published in recent months, offer a broad overview of the studies on Marx and Marxism in Italy, from Labriola and Gentile to the present day. It demonstrates the vitality and diversity of the Italian interpretations of the philosopher of Trier, which have often had an international echo. […]

ἀπὸ καταβολῆς κόσμου. Le due interpretazioni della nozione tommasiana di creazione nel pensiero di Giuseppe Barzaghi

Luca Gili XVI (2021), 2 Saggio In this paper, I flesh out Giuseppe Barzaghi’s two interpretations of Aquinas’ doctrine of creation. Up until the mid-Nineties, Barzaghi accepted Aquinas’ claim that the Creator cannot be identied with the world He created. Later on, Barzaghi developed a different understanding of the relation between the Creator and His […]