La primogenitura mosaica. Rileggere la filosofia della storia di Marco Mortara tra Gioberti, Vico e apostolato israelitico
Alberto Scigliano XV (2020), 1 Saggio The composition elaborates on the facets of Mantuan rabbi Marco Mortara’s Philosophy of History. Mortara, as one of the leading characters in 19th century Italian Judaism, is thus analysed according to his specific Mosaic conception of History. Through a contextualisation of some of his writings and a comparison with […]
Filosofia e qabbalah. Elia Benamozegh (1823-1900), un pensatore inattuale
Alessandro Guetta XV (2020), 1 Saggio Elia Benamozegh (Livorno 1823, ivi 1900), philosopher, biblical exegete, teacher at the Rabbinical College, was an original and prolific thinker. At the time the qabbalah or esoteric Jewish tradition was commonly considered as the result of an era of intellectual and religious decadence by the protagonists of Jewish studies, […]
Jewish Reform in 19th Century Italy
Asher Salah XV (2020), 1 Saggio This paper examines the development of Jewish reform projects in the frame of the political emancipation of Italian Jews and its role in shaping their religious debate in the 19th century. Jewish reform movements arose in Europe as a part of a larger debate concerning the necessity of improving […]
Challenging Religious Authorities. The Scientific Commitment of Simone Luzzatto and Yoseph Delmedigo
Michela Torbidoni XV (2020), 1 Saggio This paper offers a brief overview toward Simone Luzzatto’s and Yoseph Delmedigo’s commitment to secular learning.Their interest to natural sciences which embraces a bride range of fields, as mathematics, physics, medicine, and astronomy will be here considered a special periscope through which to observe and analyze 17th century multifaceted […]
La tradizione politica ebraica in Italia tra XV e XVII secolo
Guido Bartolucci XV (2020), 1 Saggio In the Italian peninsula, between 1400 and 1600, some Jewish thinkers (Yochanan Alemanno, Yitzchaq Abravanel, David de’ Pomis e Simone Luzzatto) elaborated a political thought that combined the biblical and post-biblical tradition with the new sources that humanistic culture was making available, also providing a particular reading of political […]
Yehudah Abravanel e l’eredità di Marsilio Ficino. La «teologale sapienzia» e il divino Platone
Maria Vittoria Comacchi XV (2020), 1 Saggio The purpose of this paper is to investigate the in uence of Marsilio Ficino’s renovation antiquorum on Yehudah Abravanel’s Dialoghi d’amore (1535), in order to understand Yehudah’s re-elaboration of the notion of the prisca theologia in the light of a renovated union between reason and faith or philosophy […]
Innovazioni nei modelli speculativi ebraici dell’Italia del Rinascimento. Il caso di Yochanan Alemanno
Fabrizio Lelli XV (2020), 1 Saggio In Medieval Italian Jewish education Judeo-Arabic Aristotelianism merged with the most varied Jewish mystical trends. Even the many waves of refugees fleeing to Italy from other areas of the diaspora at the end of the Middle Ages could not affect deeply the peculiar fusion of rational and anti-rational speculation […]
Luzzatto’s Socrates and the History of Jewish Philosophy
Josef Stern XV (2020), 1 Saggio This essay addresses the question where Luzzatto’s Socrate fits into the history of Jewish philosophy. For most of the paper, it argues that what characterizes Jewish philosophy within the general category of philosophy is not the language in which it is composed, the ethnic or religious identity of its […]
Recensione a G. Sasso, Biografia e storia. Saggi e variazioni, Viella, Roma 2020
Nicolò Galasso XVI (2021), 2 Recensione Scarica il pdf
Recensione a B. Spaventa, Epistolario (1847-1883), Viella, Roma 2020
Federica Pitillo XVI (2021), 2 Recensione Scarica il pdf