Recensione a N. Russo, L’ipotesi ontologica. I. Dell’essere, Cronopio, Napoli 2017
Mattia Cardenas XIV (2019), 1 Recensione Scarica il pdf
Recensione a B. Croce, G. Gentile, Carteggio, voll. 3-4, Aragno, Torino 2017
Massimiliano Biscuso XIV (2019), 1 Recensione Scarica il pdf
Umberto Eco e il problema del populismo
Giulio Azzolini XIV (2019), 1 Saggio The article reconstructs Umberto Eco’s reaction on populism, notable above all for his ability to link multiple aspects of the same problem. Unlike most of the literature on the subject, Eco studied both the aesthetic dimension and the political dimension of populism and he analyzed both contemporary and historical […]
Recensione a P. Falzone, Il discepolo indocile. Sapegno, Croce e la critica della poesia, Aragno, Torino 2020
Alfonso Musci XVII (2022), 1 Recensione Scarica il pdf
Recensione a B. Croce, La poesia di Dante, Bibliopolis, Napoli 2021
Marco Diamanti XVII (2022), 1 Recensione Scarica il pdf
Note sulla storia della ricezione dell’estetica di Croce in Giappone
Kosuke Kunishi XVII (2022), 1 Saggio The history of receptions of Croce’s Aesthetics in Japan involved first some of the most famous novelists of the Taishō era and then philosophers and historians specializing in Italian philosophy. In this article, through the analysis of the cases of writers such as Abe Jirō, Akutagawa Ryūnosuke, KawabataYasunari, Aoki […]
Prolegomena zu einer Asthetik der Offenbarkeit. Grassi als Leser von Croces Asthetik
Luca Viglialoro XVII (2022), 1 Saggio The essay analyzes Ernesto Grassiʼs interpretation of Croceʼs aesthetic reflection in Vom Vorrang des Logos. Das Problem der Antike in der Auseinandersetzung zwischen italienischer und deutscher Philosophie, published in 1940. Starting from a contextualization of Crocian aesthetic thought within the Italian and German philosophy of the Jahrhunder twende, Grassi […]
Croce, el hispanismo y el mundo hispànico
Davide Mombelli XVII (2022), 1 Saggio This article is an exposition of Croce’s Hispanism and the reception of Croce’s Aesthetic and Critical-literary work in the Hispanic world. First of all, the importance of Hispanic literature and culture in Croce’s work will be delimited; then, the importance of certain Spanish authors in the development of his […]
The reception of Croce’s Aesthetics in America
David D. Roberts XVII (2022), 1 Saggio Croce’s Estetica of 1902 immediately attracted attention in the United States, and he remained central to American discussion in aesthetics until the later 1960s. He won some able partisans, but he was widely misunderstood, even labeled an apostle of excess, license, and debauchery. Still, Croce remained a familiar […]
El objeto estético: correlaciòn y totalidad
Pedro Aullòn de Haro XVII (2022), 1 Saggio The 21st century world view provides access harmony/expresion to the totality of the aesthetic object, physis and techne, and their correlations. The object as ideas, as category and its classes, its logic, its ethical link and its supercategorisations are examined here. Scarica il pdf