La crisi del marxismo come storicismo dopo «l’indimenticabile ’56»
Giulia Dettori XVI (2021), 1 Saggio Aim of this article is to analize the philosophical, economic and political themes of the debate on theoretical Marxism that began in Italy in 1956. The events of that year, in fact, lead various intellectuals to question historicist Marxism and the line of thought that it had identified as […]
Il marxismo come storicismo (1944-1956). Appunti su Togliatti, Gramsci e lo sguardo sulla storia dei comunisti italiani
Marco Albeltaro XVI (2021), 1 Saggio The article reconstructs the theoretical contribution of Palmiro Togliatti and his interpretation of the thought of Antonio Gramsci. In particular, the way how the amount of Gramsci’s reading of the history of Italy is addressed, as a basis for the renewal of the political line of the Italian communists. […]
Aspetti dello storicismo di Togliatti
Marcello Mustè XVI (2021), 1 Saggio Togliatti always offered of himself the image of a “pupil” of Antonio Gramsci. Indeed, he was the editor and continuer of his thought. Starting from Gramsci’s work, he built a cultural policy and, in general, the new policy of Italian Communists. But his writings also show the pro le […]
Gramsci e il marxismo come storicismo assoluto
Giuseppe Cospito XVI (2021), 1 Saggio In a few notes of Prison Notebooks written starting from 1932, Antonio Gramsci defines the «philosophy of praxis» as «absolute historicism».The aim of this paper is to clarify the meaning of conceiving Marxism as historicism, the meaning of the adjective “absolute” in this context and the relationship between Gramsci’s […]
Chi può dire io credo e chi può dire io non credo? La teoria morfologica di Antonio Labriola
Davide Bondì XVI (2021), 1 Saggio The essay deals with the morphologic theory of history in Antonio Labriola’s writings. It describes the unfolding of his historical view since the first essays on the history of philosophy to the essays on materialistic conception. It points out the peculiar way of connection between morphologic method and dialectic, […]
Recensione a M. Mustè, S. Trinchese, G. Vacca (a cura di), Bertrando Spaventa tra unificazione nazionale e filosofia europea, Viella, Roma 2018
Marco Diamanti XIV (2019), 1 Recensione Scarica il pdf
Recensione a M. Mustè, Marxismo e filosofia della praxis. Da Labriola a Gramsci, Viella, Roma 2018
Giuliano Guzzone XIV (2019), 1 Recensione Scarica il pdf
Recensione a R. Esposito, Politica e negazione. Per una filosofia affermativa, Einaudi, Torino 2018
Alessandro De Cesaris XIV (2019), 1 Recensione Scarica il pdf
Recensione a M. A. D’Arcangeli, A. Sanzo (a cura di), Le «scienze umane» in Italia tra Otto e Novecento. Pedagogia, psicologia, sociologia e filosofia, Franco Angeli, Milano 2017
Antonio Lucci XIV (2019), 1 Recensione
Recensione a E. Alessandroni, L’anima e il mondo. Francesco De Sanctis tra filosofia, critica letteraria e teoria della letteratura, Quodlibet, Macerata 2017
Giuseppe Tinè XIV (2019), 1 Recensione Scarica il pdf