Sul modello storiografico di Ludovico Geymonat e il suo significato

Fabio Minazzi XVII (2022), 2 Saggio This essay emphasizes the critical reversal of the traditional historiographical model dominant inhistory of ideas. If most of the actual scientifc currents give more attention to the study of thepast world while progressively decreasing their focus on the contemporary world, Geymonathas done the opposite. Therefore, in his History of […]

La personalità e la storia della filosofia. Alcune annotazioni sull’unità metodologica esplicita della Storia della filosofia di Nicola Abbagnano

Franco Gallo XVII (2022), 2 Saggio This paper addresses a key concept in Nicola Abbagnano’s highly influential Storia della filosofia, namely the concept of personality. Steering away from the merely conceptual and abstract treatment of the history of philosophy popularized by Gentile’s idealism, Abbagnano emphasized how doctrines and theories also stem from subjective and historical […]

Filosofia e vita civile. Lo storicismo di Eugenio Garin

Francesca Izzo XVI (2021), 1 Saggio Many are the influences attributed to Garin’s historicism: Gramsci, Croce, Gentile, the religious existentialism.This unstable but not groundless historicism is based on a concept of man and humanity that Garin derives from his remarkable Renaissance historiography.The various portraits of men – such as Pico della Mirandola, Coluccio Salutati, Leonardo […]

Scienza della storia o scienza come storia? Note su Della Volpe, i dellavolpiani e lo ‘storicismo’

Giuliano Guzzone XVI (2021), 1 Saggio This article focuses its attention on Galvano Della Volpe’s and Dellavolpean school’s confrontation with the issue of the historicism. Particularly, the Author claims that Dellavolpean attempt in developing a ‘scientific’ historicism had brought to the construction of a ‘method of historiography’ lacking real connections to praxis. Scarica il pdf

Lo storicismo marxista nell’Italia degli anni Settanta

Giulio Azzolini XVI (2021), 1 Saggio The article focuses on Marxist historicism in Italy in the 1970s. In the first part, the attempts of communist intellectuals to historicize the decade of the 1960s are analysed. The second part examines the criticisms and historicizations of historicism itself. The last part deals with the PCI’s problem of […]