La presenza del parmenidismo nel pensiero di Gustavo Bontadini
Leonardo Messinese XIII (2018), 1 Saggio Scarica PDF
Nietzsche e Leopardi. «Il filosofo della conoscenza tragica»
01/03/2017 Gaspare Polizzi XII, 2017, 1 Saggio The subtitle of my essay – Nietzsche e Leopardi. «Il filosofo della conoscenza tragica» – resumes a phrase that appears at the incipit of fragment 35 of the 19th Group of Friedrich Nietzsche’s Posthumous Fragments, dating from summer 1872 – early 1873. This is a fragment that, in my […]
Uomo medio, uomo collettivo e capo carismatico
01/03/2017 Antonio Di Meo XII (2017), 1 Saggio The theory of the great man (grand homme) was born in relation to the possibility of a radical change in the social history of a specific era. The grand homme shows himself as a sort of higher interpreter of the best qualities of the average man, the […]
Nietzsche e il pessimismo di Leopardi
01/03/2017 Massimiliano Biscuso XII (2017), 1 Saggio My paper focuses on the profound influence that Leopardi’s works had on Nietzsche, who considered him as a pessimist in the same manner as Schopenhauer. In particular, I will analyze the concept of the “Overhistorical” (das Überhistorische) in the second Unzeitgemässe Betrachtung and the concept of the “eternal recurrence” in Also […]