Sovranità e giustizia politica. Una lettura a partire dalla Storia dell’intolleranza in Europa di Italo Mereu
Giulio Goria XIV (2019), 1 Saggio The History of Intolerance in Europe is the main work of italian legal historian Italo Mereu. In this book, in addition to examine the criminal justice’s and inquisitorial trial’s procedures adopted by Roman Inquisition, Mereu focuses on the relationship between political sovereignty and political justice. From this point of […]
Il pensiero italiano tra le discipline
Alessandra Aloisi XIV (2019), 1 Saggio Starting from general considerations regarding the different position of philosophy in the English- speaking countries, and by paying special attention to the UK, this article offers a contribution which describes the reception and presence of Italian philosophy outside Italy. In particular, it shows how, untied from traditional disciplinary perspectives […]
La filosofia italiana come transfert culturale. Uno sguardo dalla Francia
Caterina Zanfi XIV (2019), 1 Saggio After outlining the history of French translations of some Italian philosophical works in the last century, the article takes into account some phenomena of the cultural transfer pertaining the Italian philosophy and its relationship with French philosophy from recent decades. Some of the effects of the growing presence of […]
La ricezione del pensiero filosofico italiano nel dibattito tedesco contemporaneo. Una prospettiva storico-culturale
Antonio Lucci XIV (2019), 1 Saggio This paper aims to discuss the reception of some Italian philosophical authors and movements both in the German-speaking academic eld and the public sphere. The paper will mainly focus on the last thirty years of this reception. Firstly, the “actors” (both academic and non- academic) of this reception are […]
Giulio Preti, Eugenio Garin e la storia della filosofia
Massimo Ferrari XIV (2019), 1 Saggio Giulio Preti and Eugenio Garin have contributed to a great extent to the debate about philosophy and history of philosophy during the 1950s in Italy. Both their positions can be read today as highlighting suggestions in order to shed new light on the relationship between conceptual changes (or even […]
Sul carattere della filosofia italiana: espressione storica e pathos civile
Renata Viti Cavaliere XIV (2019), 1 Saggio The peculiarity of the Italian philosophical tradition is not to be found in some naturalistic or destinal aspects connected to its history.The Italian ‘character’ is a historical formation that over time, has shown a strong civil vocation.This character is not a type or an abstract generalization. Rather, it […]
Recensione a P. Pagani, L’Essere è Persona. Riflessioni su ontologia e antropologia filosofica in Gustavo Bontadini, Orthotes, Napoli 2016
Stefania Pietroforte XIII (2018), 1 Recensione Scarica PDF
Recensione a F. Saccardi, Metafisica e parmenidismo. Il contributo della filosofia neoclassica, Orthotes, Napoli 2016
Alessandro De Cesaris XIII (2018), 1 Recensione Scarica PDF
La verità, l’opinione di Gennaro Sasso. Lo “specchio” della verità e l’ “eterna opinione” metafisica
Andrea Bellocci XIII (2018), 1 Saggio Starting from the anti-metaphysical “not” relationship between truth and opinion in Gennaro Sasso’s work, this paper analyses not only their differences, but also, and above all, the analogies that are established between the two “ gures”: incontrovertibility, identity and being, in this perspective, belong not only to truth, but […]
Emanuele Severino e la destinazione del finito all’infinito
Cristina Pagnin XIII (2018), 1 Saggio This paper is aimed at taking into consideration the reason why, in our experience, we have to deal with nite things (and, secondly, multiple things and becoming). In our view, the reason for this is to be found in the in nite nature of Totality, which, in order to […]