«Martiri della verità» e modelli di umanità. Sulle fonti italiane di Herder

Laura Follesa XV (2020), 2 Saggio This contribution is about Herder’s selection and use of Italian literary, philosophical and scientific sources. His later writings (especially the Briefe, and the journal «Adrastea») contain a huge repertory of Italian sources and confirm Herder’s purpose to present authors of the past as ‘models’ for developing a new kind […]

Auschwitz in mimesis. Primo Levi e la rappresentazione

Demetrio Paolin XV (2020), 2 Saggio The essay by analyzing some of Primo Levi’s texts on the nature of pain in the lager universe tries to reflect on the possibility or not of being able to give narrative representation to questions such as: Can the reader contain my experience of the lager in himself? Can […]