Roberto Esposito y la deconstrucción de la teología política: hacia una política de los cuerpos vivientes

In the last decades, Roberto Esposito has become a widely and worldwide read and commented
thinker, taking part of debates on the (Im)political, the Community, Immunity, and Biopolitics. Along that path, his work seeks to deconstruct the teologico-political tradition and the correlative juridical and philosophical dispositive of the person, in order to enable a way of thought towards the Impersonal, in a philosophical tradition of immanence. This implied several displacements in his thought in terms of approach and main theoretical references: without abandoning his deconstructive vein, Esposito was inspired by the works of Foucault and Deleuze and later stressed the relevance of present-day Italian political thought, linking it to a long tradition. In what follows, we will try to characterize some of the contributions made by Esposito in the intent of thinking politics and understanding our present. To do so, we will focus on the deconstruction of any form of political theology and the turn towards an ontological and genealogical elaboration on the Impersonal, in the context of a critical rereading of the philosophical tradition.