- 01/06/2015
- Marco Carassai
- X (2015), 1
- Saggio
The essay aims to show that the fundamental speculative knots of Giorgio Colli’s thought can
be interpreted as the conscious result of a radical rethinking of a theoretical praxis, more specifically as the result of the philological praxis, in whose philosophical rearticulation the metaphysical understanding of the world as expression is already decided and configured. Following the philosophical turn of philology opened by Nietzsche, Colli considers philology as decipherment of the “discourse” of life, as science of expression in general: this science is deeply connected to a philosophical-metaphysical perspective that discloses the expression as general medium, in which the interiority is at the same time shown and concealed. The concept of philology thus appears as a powerful hermeneutical key capable of opening some features both characteristic and spring-fed in Colli’s thought.