Hegel e la contraddizione (I)

With the first section of this essay, the author reviews the contributions of some of the most
important italian scholars who interpreted the question of contradiction in Hegel, from the second half of the twentieth century to nowadays. The author begins by summarizing Della Volpe’s and Colletti’s interpretations. From a materialistic point of view, inspired by young Marx’s critiques to Hegel, these authors supported the irreducibility of the “rational” opposition (a really contradictory unity in which opposites are included) to the “real” one (in which the opposites, determined by the principle of non-contradiction, remain separate). Wide space is then given to the contributions of those authors who attempted a genetic reconstruction of Hegel’s philosophy, with particular attention to the problem of contradiction. Discussed are the positions of Merker and Rossi (inspired by Della Volpe’s lesson), as well as the recent works of Varnier, Raspa and Biscuso.